Circular No.06/2013/TT-BXD of May 13, 2013, guiding on content of urban design

Số hiệu: 06/2013/TT-BXD Nơi ban hành: Bộ Xây dựng Ngày ban hành: 13/05/2013 Ngày công báo: Chưa rõ Ngày công báo: Chưa rõ
Loại văn bản: Thông tư Người ký: Nguyễn Đình Toàn Ngày hiệu lực: 27/06/2013 Số công báo: Đang cập nhật Tình trạng: Chưa xác định

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Independence– Freedom – Happiness

No.: 06/2013/TT-BXD

Hanoi, May 13, 2013




Pursuant to the Law on Urban Planning No.30/2009/QH12 dated June 17, 2009;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No.37/2010/ND-CP dated April 07, 2010 on formulation, appraisal, approval and management of urban planning;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 17/2008/ND-CP dated 04/02/2008 defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Construction;

The Minister of Construction promulgates the Circular guiding on content of urban design.

Chapter 1


Article 1. Scope of regulation and subjects of application

1. This Circular guides on content of urban design in the general planning, subdivision planning, detailed planning and separate urban design schemes.

2. This Circular applies to foreign and domestic organizations and individuals directly participating or relating to activities of urban design in Vietnam.

Article 2. General requirements on urban design

a. Urban design in general planning, subdivision planning and detailed planning schemes must comply with regulations, standards on construction planning and relevant regulations, standards.  Provisions in the Law on Urban Planning relating to urban design are concretized at chapters 2, 3 and 4 of this Circular.

b. Formulation of tasks and design scheme is required for separate urban design.  Authority level in approval for the separate urban tasks and design scheme is the provincial Departments of Construction or the provincial Departments of Planning and Architecture (for Hanoi and Hochiminh cities).

c. Organizations, individuals participating in formuation of the separate urban tasks and design scheme must have sufficient capacity as prescribed in Article 5 of the Government’s Decree No.37/2010/ND-CP dated April 07, 2010 on formulation, appraisal, approval and management of urban planning. Architect who is urban plan managers of the separate urban design scheme must have experiences on designing architecture for facilities and preserving heritages, relics (in areas having heritages, relics, ancient and old architecture facilities).

d. Objects of formulation of separate urban design include: Urban design for an urban route; urban design for an urban umbrella, an urban portion.

Chapter 2


Article 3. Determning architectural and urban landscape areas 

1. To determine the existing inner city; tentative area for new development; area of natural and artificial landscape; area for preservation and special area.

2. To orientate urban image and architectural space based on nature and development objective of each area.

Article 4. Spatial organization of centers, urban  gateway, main spatial axes, major squares and urban prominent spots

1. To orientate spatial organization of policy – administrative, culture - sport, financial, trading, service, tourism, health centers to be suitable with urban natures and functions.

2. To orientate spatial organization of urban gateway area regarding landscape architectural space, determine position and illustrate ideas on cubes of facilities for prominent spots according to main traffic directions and routes to enter urban area.

3. Main spatial axes organization

a. To orientate architecture for main road axes, typical urban areas in the principle of ensuring the transition of urban architectural images having developed through periods.

b. To propose main axes as characteristic of urban area.

c. To propose preservation, exploitation of the existing natural landscape about terrain, trees, river, lake, water surface, to supplement artificial landscape design.

4. Square spatial organization

a. To determine scale, nature of squares according to national and local levels in urban or metropolitan areas.

b. To research architectural space of landscape surrounding the Square.

5. Spatial organization at urban prominent spots

a. To determine position of prominent spots for entire urban area or each urban section.

b. In case prominent spots are architectural works or a  cluster of architectural works, orientations about architectural spatial organization of surrounding landscape should be proposed appropriately; if making use of natural landscape as prominent spots, it should have orientations about restoration and exploitation. 

Article 5. Spatial organization of trees, water surface

1. Spatial organization of trees

a. To determine urban green space, including green corridors, green belts, green wedges, parks, natural or artificial forest in urban area.

b. Solutions about trees in main space axes, urban areas.

2. Spatial organization of water surface

a. To propose regulations on preservation, exploitation, promotion of natural water surface landscape and eco-environmental protection.

b. To propose location and scale of additional artificial lakes for urban area.

Article 6. Requirements on demonstration of urban design in general planning scheme

1. The explanation part contains sufficient contents of requirements stated in Articles 3, 4 and 5 in line with drawings.

2. Dossier includes drawings and models

a. Drawings: show sufficient contents of requirements stated in Articles 4 and 5 at the rate of 1/2000 - 1/1000. The overall perspective drawings and main perspectives emulate an appropriate architectural space to clarify researched contents. 

b. Models: In case of particularly suggesting about some main spaces, models shall be performed at the rate of 1/1000 – 1/500. Overall model shall be performed at the rate of 1/5000 – 1/2000. Models are made of materials in line with design idea.

Chapter 3


Article 7. Determining maximum criteria about setbacks

1. To determine setbacks on the basis of assesing conditions of fundament structure as well as landscape architecture, natural terrain, nature and functions of main urban routes.

2. The setbacks for facilities must be determined in line with the existing construction regulations and standards.

Article 8. Urban landscape of center areas, along to main road axles, open space areas, prominent spot facilities

1. Urban landscape of center areas

a. To determine construction density and height of architectural facilities of each area. Rate (%) of trees in center area;

b. Design content of renovating and embellishing the existing center area and solutions on landscape architecture for new center area so as to create urban peculiarity.

2. Urban landscape along to the main road axes

a. To propose the principle on layout and architectural cubes on the basis of conformity with natural conditions, social and cultural customs and characteristic of area;

b. Trees for main road axes: Kinds of trees that are available in localities should be exploited to the utmost.

c. Natural landscape on waterway routes should be conserved. To propose design ideas on architectural landscape, architecture of bridges, river embankments and railings.

3. Open space areas

a. To propose functions for open space in research area.

b. To determine the open landscape architectural space about: architectural cubes, setbacks, trees, Square.

c. To research the landscape architectural space at large urban crossroads, intersections and in each area.

4. Facilities with prominent spots

a. To concretize urban design under general planning scheme, give out architectural idea of facilities with prominent spots based on nature of facilities and surrounding landscapes.

b. Terrain and natural landscape should be exploited for prominent spots at high positions, architectural facilities may be existing or may be proposed for construction of new one, to have solutions to minimize the preponderance of surrounding architecture.

c. Prominent spots at various positions are concretized by proposing construction of facilities, or cluster of architectural facilities or landscape architectural space.

5. Area of urban portion

a. To determine construction density and height floor, architectural language and form, kind of facility in respect to new urban area. Solutions on preserving and embellishing ancient or old quarters.

b. Solutions on landscape organization of trees, water surface, urban utilities.

Article 9. Requirements on demonstration of urban design in subdivision planning scheme

1. The explanation part contains sufficient contents of requirements stated in Articles 7 and 8 in line with drawings.

2. Dossier includes drawings and models

a. Drawings: show sufficient contents of requirements stated in Articles 7 and 8 at the rate of 1/1000 - 1/500. The perspective drawings of main axes routes clarify research idea. Architectural space shows the urban characteristics.

b. Models: In case where some main spaces need be clarified, models shall be performed at the rate of 1/500 – 1/2000. Overall model shall be performed at the rate of 1/2000 – 1/1000. Models are made of materials in line with design idea.

Chapter 4


Article 10. Determining the prominent spot facilities in planning area under vision directions

1. To concretize the prominent spot facilities determined from subdivision planning, shaping the architectural design of facilities in line with the use nature and creating good sense.

2. If prominent spots are not architectural facilities, landscape space is used as prominent spots, trees, water surface, natural and artificial terrain should be concretized.

Article 11. Determining the construction height of facilities

1. Spatial organization and height for entire area are researched and concretized for each land lot.

2. To determine the construction height on the basis of compliance with construction regulation, standards, in line with construction density and landscape, trees, water surface in urban area already prescribed in subdivision planning.

Article 12. Determining the setbacks for facilities on each street, intersection.

1. To determine specifically setbacks for architectural facilities on each street, intersection; to propose feasible solutions to repair defects in existing urban area by solutions: planting additional trees, doing awning along pavements, or other technical measures.

2. To propose setbacks to create the close/open space by design plan on the basis of conditions and solutions with the aim to enrich landscape architectural space, to ensure convinience in exploitation and use.

3. The minimum setbacks for facilities must be determined in compliance with the existing subdivision planning, construction regulations and standards.

Article 13. Determining cubes, main colors and architectural form of architectural facilities

1. For architectural cubes

a/ To concretize subdivision planning: Design on landscape spatial organization, set up architectural image of area.

b. To determine volume of facilities by solutions: combining into block or dispersing.

c. Proposing solutions for architectures carrying representativity, sculpture.

2. For main architectural form

a. Modern or combined with tradition architecture is proposed, architecture of sloped roof or flat roof, high level fundament of floors, form of gate, balcony, loggia.

b. To propose compulsory regulations for other small architectures about:  size and form of advertisement boards attached to facilities.

3. Main colors of architectural facilities must be consistent to nature and history of urban area, natural landscape of area, the custom and senses about material and color of indigenous people.

Article 14. System of trees, water surface and Square

1. For system of trees

a. Design of tree system must use kinds of urban trees, ensure requirements on environment and landscape, in line with cross section of pavement and climate and pedology conditions of area.

b. o determine tree system on streets, in flower gardens, parks.

2. For water surface (river, lake): Design plans must be proposed on the basis of combination between water surface and tree system.

3. For Square: To concretize on the basis of subdivision planning: To propose for architectural plan of surrounding Square area with use of materials, colors, light and trees.

Article 15. Requirements on demonstration of urban design in detailed planning scheme

1. The explanation part contains sufficient contents of requirements stated in Articles 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 in line with drawings.

2. Dossier includes drawings and models

a. Drawings: show contents of requirements stated in Articles 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 by the rate of 1/500 - 1/2000. The perspective drawings show idea about architectural space and small architectures carrying presentativity; urban sulpture should be clarified researched idea.  Architectural space must show the urban characteristics.

b. Models: In case where some main spaces need be clarified, models shall be performed at the rate of 1/200. Overall model shall be performed at the rate of 1/1000 – 1/500. Models are made of materials in line with design idea.

Chapter 5


Article 16. Provisions on design tasks 

1. Formulation of tasks of separate urban design scheme should determine scope of formulation of urban design, targets, principles and provisions on contents that are required to reach in urban design and product dossier of urban design.

2. To assess conditions, analyze and sum up (formulating table of diagram system and drawings for illustrating) about: quantity, rate correlation (%) between kinds of works, architectural items; setbacks, heights, colors for architectural facilities; trees, terrain of high level fundament and system of technical infrastructure.

3. Contents of researching design of separate urban design scheme

a. Planning spatial organization, architecture and landscape.

b. Urban preservation for ancient urban areas, old urban areas, etc (if any)

c. Requirements for infrastructure system.

d. Environmental impact assessment.

Article 17. Contents of urban design scheme for an urban route

1. Contents of design of architectural space and landscape of new urban route

a. To assess conditions proposed for urban design about: density, high floors, setbacks, rate of trees on urban route. These contents must comply with general planning and subdivision planning already approved.

b. To shape main cubes and architectural form, key architectural facilities: colors, materials used in architectures; to concretize by preliminary design on architecture of prominent spot works and other small architectures. To formulate overall design on tree system and landscape, to prescribe kinds, sizes of trees.

2. Contents of design of architectural space and landscape of old urban route:

a. To assess architectural conditions on urban route.

b. To determine construction density, use coefficient of land and high floors:

- To propose contents and design plan of setbacks for urban route and each facility, comply with the principle of not being broken the traditional space structure of area, comply with the existing regulations and standards.

- Design plan specifies on architectural height of facilities for urban route attached to construction density. Solutions in control of high floor for entire urban route, each urban section.

c. Shaping architecture:

- Regarding main cubes and architectural form: according to traditional or mordern or combining both tendency. To concretize architecture at components such as: Roof, high level fundament of floors, gates, balcony, loggia, etc

- To shape prominent spot architectural facilities. To propose small architectures carrying representativity, sculpture and decoration in association with general cube language of area.  For advertisement boards, their sizes, colors and rate need be proposed appropriately.

- To prescribe main color for urban route in line with the custom and culture.

- To propose specific and feasible design solutions, to repair defecte in old urban area through planting more trees, doing awning along pavements, or other technical measures.

d. For system of trees and landscape: To select kinds of trees that have colors, sizes in line with urban route and available in localities. Solution to design water surface in combination with trees ensuring conformity with surrounding landscape.

e. For relic areas, cultural heritage facilities that need to be zoned for protection according to the Law on heritage, construction of surrounding facilities must be controlled.

3. In case two routes of old urban area and new urban area are connected, design solutions of architectural space and landscape should be proposed to ensure a harmonious connection between new urban route and old urban route.

4. Contents of technical infrastructure design:

a. Traffic: To determine cross section of street, pavement, traffic notice board.

b. Other technical infrastructure: To determine red line boundaries, construction boundaries, specific requirements for urban routes, scope and protection corridors of underground, floating and overhead facilities. To propose preliminary design of systems of synchronous infrastructure and equipment, utility facilities on streets and urban lighting.

Article 18. Contents of urban design scheme for an urban umbrella, an urban portion

1. Contents of separate urban design specified in this Article are applied generally to urban umbrellas and urban portions in old urban areas or areas need to be renovated.

2. Contents of design of architectural space and landscape:

a. To determine construction density, high floors, setbacks for facilities in urban umbrella.

- To limit the maximum and minimum height of facilities in urban umbrella, urban portion.

- To propose contents and design plan of setbacks for facilities, not being broken the traditional space structure of area, meeting utilities of facilities and in line with general landscape.

- To specify limit of height of 1st floor (or ground floor), size and high level fundament of balconies, loggias and roofs.

b. Shaping architecture:

- Prominent spot facilities, main architectural language, layout and allocation of facilities under functions, architectural form of each kind of facility.

- Architectural form, solutions to organize essential spaces inside of urban umbrella, urban portion: public spaces, internal traffic, space for walking, entertainment, sport and physical exercise, trees, water surface.

- Design solutions must have inheritance and ensure a harmonious and typical architectural form with new and modern architecture.

- To propose design of small architectures carrying representativity, sculpture and decoration in association with general cube language of area.  For advertisement boards, their sizes, colors and rate need be proposed appropriately.

- Use of colors, materials for architectural facilities must be consistent to tradition and custom of area, harmonious with general natural landscape of urban area.

c. For system of trees and landscape: Design solutions of trees in association with water surface, natural landscape of area.  To select kinds of trees that are available in localities and have colors, sizes in line with design plan.

d. Solutions to preserve, embellish, zone for protection in respect to the historical, cultural, relic facilities shall comply with the Law on heritage, regulations on construction management of surrounding facilities.

3. Contents of technical infrastructure design:

a. Traffic: To determine cross section of street, pavement, traffic notice board. To design preliminarily form, color, material and prescribe the means of transport for internal traffic routes;

b. Other technical infrastructure: To propose preliminary design of systems of synchronous infrastructure equipment, utility facilities on streets and urban lighting.

4. For the main Square, typical public area in urban area and some other types may apply to urban design scheme for an urban umbrella.

Article 19. Provisions on management under separate urban design

1. Provisions on specific matters in management under contents of separate urban design scheme.

a. Regarding landscape and architectural space. 

b. System of urban infrastructure and environment.

2. To organize implementation according to separate urban design scheme. Responsibilities of authority levels, relevant organizations and individuals.

Article 20. Requirements on showing content of drawings of separate urban design for an urban route, urban umbrella, urban portion.

1. The explanation part contains sufficient contents of requirements stated in Articles 17 and 18 in line with drawings.

2. Drawings: show contents as required in Articles 17 and 18.

a. Location map, relation of architectural area with urban area (in which determining boundary position of design area and limitation of areas affecting to architecture of landscape in area).

b. Drawings of status quo premises (analyzed and assessed) shown at rate of 1/500-1/200 on the basis of terrain map at the corresponding rate.

c. Detailed drawings (overall premises, vertical cross section, illustrating perspectives) at rate of 1/500 – 1/200. In case it is neccesary to clarify some typical facilities, prominent spots of facilities located at specific areas, rate of drawings shall be 1/200 – 1/100. 

d. Drawings prescribing on infrastructure technique (cross section of street fundament, construction fundament of road base and pavements, equipment for streets and other utility facilities in urban area) shall be shown at rate of 1/500.

3. Models: Models are performed at rate of 1/500, and made of materials in line with urban design idea.  In case where areas having facilities, prominent spots, main idea of scheme need be clarified, models shall be performed at the rate of 1/200.

Chapter 6


Article 21. Implementation organization

Department of architecture and construction planning - the Ministry of Construction, the provincial Departments of Construction, Hanoi Department of Planning and Architecture and Ho Chi Minh city Department of Planning and Architecture shall guide, examine implementation of this Circular.

Article 22. Effect

1. This Circular takes effect on June 27, 2013 and replaces Articles 8 and 14 of the Circular No. 10/2010/TT-BXD dated August 11, 2010 of the Ministry of Construction on prescribing dossier of each urban planning type.

2. In the course of implementation, any arising problems should be reported to the Ministry of Construction for consideration and settlement.




Nguyen Dinh Toan


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